
Endless Frontier: Combat Veterans on Living with Purpose & The Pursuit of Knowledge

Endless Frontier: Combat Veterans on Living with Purpose & The Pursuit of Knowledge

What if your life was a never-ending series of awe-inspiring adventures?

How would you like to wake up with a new sun every day?

A new adventure...

Rock climbing on Monday. Snowboarding on Tuesday. Big game hunting or fishing on Wednesday. Relaxing on the beach Thursday. Are you seeing it yet?

The Endless Frontier guys are living it.

And they want you to live with passion and pursue as well.

Endless Frontier - Living with Passion and Purpose

Endless Frontier is the brainchild of 3 young veterans, Brady, Jordan, and Josh.

Recently retired, these adventurers are leveraging their unbeatable minds and unique skills to literally set sail on their mission to inspire, educate, and enable others to follow their own dreams, and live a life of passion, adventure, and fulfillment.

They've sold everything, bought a boat, and this November, it's anchors up.

Whether it's mountaineering in the Andes, BASE-jumping, skiing in the Rockies, hunting on safaris, or simply enjoying the sunshine and tropical breezes from the deck of their boat, the desire to live a never-ending adventure is something we can all relate to.

They put all their money into a sailboat and will be sailing around the world, stopping at one amazing location after another, pursuing their own dreams, documenting their experiences, and possibly creating an outdoor gear and lifestyle brand. (5 year plan anyone?)

Don't let what don't know prevent you from chasing your dreams.

Yes their mindset is unique. Yes, they've been trained to endure and conquer any and all obstacles.

Yes they have special skills that enable to them survive - even thrive - without modern conveniences.

BUT, before you write this off as something you couldn't do...know this - they don't know how to sail!

That's the beauty of Endless Frontier. They're embodying the exact message they're delivering.

Don't let what don't know prevent you from chasing your dreams.

"I'm not who I am because I was a [serviceman]. I was a [serviceman] because of who I am." - Retired Veteran Josh on the OPP

"Those traits and qualities were already mine", he continued.

This is what we can learn from these elite humans - how to develop that "growth" mindset that knows no limits, to become a lifetime learner and never stop developing as humans, and how to cherish each day to squeeze every drop of life we can out of our time here.

Listen to the Optimal Performance Podcast on-the-go:

What You'll Learn From the Endless Frontier Crew:

  • The power of being a part of something bigger than you
  • The importance of strong community and solid mentors
  • Mental tricks to endure the world's most difficult training environment
  • Not your typical travel hacks - More like"Bear Grylls" and less "pampered executive"
  • Crashing (poor choice of words?) the BASE jumping community
  • The mindset of being a lifetime learner
  • Would you pass the Rocking Chair Test?
  • Minimalism: "The more I got rid of, the better I felt."...
  • Craziest paracord uses
  • Best advice each has received, and their favorite books
  • Top 3 (Actually 9 tips this week) Tips to #LiveOptimal

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Extreme Sports Pioneer Shane McConkey Documentary

Books on This Episode:

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